Disclosure Policy

The Heart’s Way for Creative Clinicians is a blog born out of good intentions and is meant to be a place where you, the reader, can feel comfortable returning to frequently, finding information that is helpful and relevant to your clinical work.
Because this blog is a source of income, it is important for you to understand it’s Disclosure Policy. In 2009, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) released guidelines http://www.ftc.gov/opa/2009/10/endortest.shtm for bloggers regarding endorsements and advertisements.
You may find some resources in The Heart’s Way for Creative Clinicians that will be available with an associated cost, for example Guided Imagery audios, Music Therapy playlists and other related materials such as printable downloads, online courses, or eBooks.
This blog may also promote other products, services, and businesses. Such promotions may be seen in the form of affiliate links and/or advertisements. Any and all affiliate links will be clearly indicated in posts or pages within this blog. Please also note that any endorsements given will be for information, services, or products that are known to this blog and are considered valuable in terms of positively serving the needs of the readers.
Should you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me (Jeanine Jones) using the comment form below or by emailing me at theheartswayforclinicians@gmail.com.
This Disclosure Policy is effective as of September 21, 2020.