How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger (for Therapists)

A child’s anger can be troubling
When I worked as a Clinical Social Worker, I learned early on that some of my most difficult clients were young children (and their parents). Children out of control. Parents who struggled to manage their child’s behavior. How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger (for Therapists) is a video developed out of a question from a friend of mine, a parent of two young children who works diligently to be the best mom she can be and wants the best for her children, now and in the future. I’ll share her story in the video.
How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger (for Therapists) focuses on some basic concepts that may be helpful for your clients. Thoughts and ideas that may support parents as you work with them, navigating the sometimes-rough waters known as parenting. Perhaps this information will be food for thought or a springboard for discussion with your clients.
Created for parents of children ages 1-8, this video includes topics such as:
- questions parents may ask themselves about their children (behavior, environment, influences, etc.)
- developmental milestones, and
- parenting tips
I also have a related video available for viewing called Anger Management for Parents of Young Children (for Therapists). This video focuses on adult (parent) anger management issues. I’ll link that blog post and video in the Resources section below.
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Toddlers (1-2 years of age) (CDC)
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Toddlers (2-3 years of age) (CDC)
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Preschoolers (3-5 years of age) (CDC)
- Positive Parenting Tips for Healthy Child Development: Middle Childhood (6-8 years of age) (CDC)
- Psychology Today – Therapist Finder (Psychology Today)
- Anger Management for Parents of Young Children (for Therapists) (The Heart’s Way for Creative Clinicians)
My YouTube channel
As I continue to tip-toe into the world of videos my hope is that the videos I have made (and plan to make) will provide you with interesting and relevant information for you, your practice, and your clients. If you liked How to Handle Your Young Child’s Anger (for Therapists), please give it a “thumbs up” and consider subscribing to my YouTube channel, The Heart’s Way, Imagery and Insights. Thanks much!