2021 Year in Review

2021 Year in Review
The Heart’s Way for Creative Clinicians
Blog Statistics (information gathered on 12-20-21)
- 24 Blog posts published (from 04-25-21 through 12-19-21)
- 32,675 Total words published (culmination of blog posts only)
- 907 Views of posts and related pages
- 571 Visitors to the blog
- 27 Countries represented by visitors to the blog
- By far the highest number of views were from the United States
- Other countries represented included (list is not exhaustive):
- Ireland
- Canada
- China
- Sweden
- Australia
- United Kingdom
- Romania
- Finland
- India
- South Korea
- Netherlands
Facebook Page (information gathered on 12-24-21)
- 3,255 Facebook Page Reach (number of people who saw any content from The Heart’s Way for Creative Clinicians Facebook Page)
- 61 Facebook Page Likes
Instagram (information gathered on 12-24-21)
- 3,360 Instagram Reach (number of people who saw any content from The Heart’s Way Instagram Page)
- 50 Instagram Followers
Pinterest (information gathered on 12-24-21)
- 87,540 Total Impressions (number of times The Heart’s Way pins were on screen)
- 2,580 Total Engagements (number of engagements on The Heart’s Way pins, including clicks and saves)
- 66,270 Total Audience (total number of pinners who saw or engaged in The Heart’s Way pins)
- 1,390 Engaged Audience (number of pinners who engaged with The Heart’s Way pins)
- 8,600 Average Monthly Views
ConvertKit: Therapy and All That Jazz Newsletters (information gathered on 12-24-21)
- 9 Subscribers to The Heart’s Way for Creative Clinicians blog
- 47.89% Average Open Rate of emails sent (Therapy and All That Jazz Newsletters)
- 11.58% Average Click Rate (number of clicks on links within emails and newsletters)
- 190 Total Emails (Newsletters) sent
Linktree: Links to Blog, Social Media, and Items of Interest (information gathered on 12-24-21)
- 143 Views of The Heart’s Way Linktree site
- 95 Clicks on The Heart’s Way links